Mason Creek Middle School

Monday, July 23, 2012

Message to all classes...

Changes coming for fall...
As your teacher over this year, I have tried to prepare you for life outside the classroom and hopefully given you some life skills and "real world" application as well. One lesson you will need to learn in life is flexibility. We may not always like the changes that are thrown our way, but we learn to deal with them, hopefully gracefully. It is with a heavy heart that I say I will not be teaching most of you next year, but be assured that you are in expert hands. As I understand it I will be teaching 8th grade "regular" classes and welcome the opportunity to grow and learn the new Common Core standards that all ELA will be using this year. You may still use all resources on the sites I've given you. All the summer work you did (hopefully the reading) will not be wasted. Good luck as we approach the new year and continue to grow and learn all we can. You will be better for it and you have made me a better teacher having taught you.
With gratitude,
Ms. M., your "Captain"