Choice 1: You may choose to read the following from Follett books online:'Library'
You will need the username (masoncreek) and password (wolves).
6th grade (7th next year): If you choose to read from Follett I would like you to choose Mockingbird, Chains, The Luck of Buttons, or Hunger Games (if you've never read it). If you choose to use Follett instead of, then you will need to make sure you can still log in to Moodle as your discussions will be posted there.
7th grade (8th grade next year): If you choose to read from Follett, I would like you to choose Mockingbird, Chains, or I highly suggest Ashes (it ties in with your SS curriculum).
Choice 2: Join me on You will need an invitation to do or facebook with parent permission. I am testing this out as an online bookclub because it allows you to highlight, post questions, make observations right there on the screen. Once you receive your invite you will set up your own bookclub using your first initial and last name. You will invite me to join by either searching my group:
or by email: (School related questions/emails only)Many of the selections on here are higher level/high school reading, but some I think are in range. Take a look at the collection and let me know what you are interested in. I would suggest: Alice in Wonderland (with closer analysis/comparison and historical implications), Hamlet, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Count of Monte Cristo (a strong revenge theme here could be compared to Hamlet as well), War of the Worlds, Gift of the Magi, Little Women, Robinson Crusoe, Fall of the House of Usher (7th- if you had trouble with this in class you may want to choose it so you can help each other out), Time Machine, or How to Tell a Story- Mark Twain.
I don't want you stressing over's only 1 book and many of them have AR tests so you will be one step closer to next year's goals. Talk to other friends in class and maybe pick the same books so you can discuss either on Moodle or on
Email any questions and let me know if it works:
*I had to take "Chat" off of Cheetah due to some inappropriate use- you know who you are!*
- Ms. M.
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